How To Add a Custom Facebook Like Box to Your Site

The gadget style determines the physical appearance of the gadget. The style you choose will determine the color and format of the gadget title, the gadget content, and the gadget border. You can choose from theme-specific styles and styles that are common to all themes.
Today i have share you a topic in which you can change you blogger/website facebook like box and make beautiful style

Step One : Login To your and go to layout
Step Two.  After click on Add a Gadget link A pop-up box will open now
with many gadget list, Choose HTML/JavaScript from the gadget 
Step Three. Select 'HTML/Javascript' 
Step Four. Now Copy below Code and Paste
Step Five: Now Replace “Past your Page yours name”
With your Face book page Name

<div style="background: url('');overflow:hidden;border-radius: 110px;.height:250px;width: 238px;border-radius: 0px 13px 0px 0px;overflow: hidden;"><div style="height: 250px; overflow: hidden;"><a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Blogger Tips and Tricks"><img src="" alt="Blogger Tips and Tricks" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%; top: 0px;" /></a><a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Latest Tips For Bloggers"><img src="" alt="Latest Tips For Bloggers" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%;" /></a><a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Blogger Tricks"><img src="" alt="Blogger Tricks" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; left: 0%;" /></a><iframe src=" your Page yours name &amp;width=250&amp;height=258&amp;show_faces=true&amp;header=false&amp;stream=false&amp;show_border=false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:250px; height:258px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Click On Save 'JavaScript' You are done.