Courtney Rosen: Her earnings per month is $675,000 from Google Adsense. Her Google Page rank is 6 with page views of 42,520,000.She writes articles to guide people in different fields.

Pete Cash more: He earns $560,000 per month from Google Adsense. His Google Page rank is 8 and daily page views are 32,250,000.

Kevin Rose: His blog URL is His Earning for Google Adsense is$ 522,000 per month. His Google Page rank is 7 with page views of 30,289,000 per day and have 4,790,000 daily unique visitors.

Shawn Hogan: URL of his blog is His Google Adsense earning per month is $480,000.He is writing on topics of SEO and sharing tips and suggestions on Blogging. Number of daily unique visitors to his blog is 3,890,000 and daily pages views are 27,320,000.

Markus Frind: Link to his blog is His Google page rank is 4 and his adsense earning is $368,000 per month. He shares information on online dating through his blog. 3,552,000 unique visitors are visiting his blog daily and 29,159,000 views per day.

Michael Arrington: Address of his blog is page rank of his blog is 8 with Google Adsense earning per month is $282,700. He write technology articles on his blog. Around 2,894,000 unique visitors visits his blog per day and his blog gets 18,541,000 views per day.

Perez Hilton: Address of his blog is His google page rank is 7.He earns through Google adsense $195,000 per month. He shares celebrities and lifestyles on his blog. His daily unique visitors are 1,110,000 and his daily page views are 10,121,000.

Amit Agarwal: His blog URL is earns $140,500 from Google Adsense each month.He shares Technology relevant information with his visitors. His google page rank is 6.510,000 unique visitors visits his site on daily basis and daily page view are 4,311,000.

Jeremy Schoemaker: URL to his blog His adsense earning per month is $122,000 with Google Page Rank 5.He discusses payment of bills on his blog. He receives 132,000 daily unique visitors and receives 2,729,000 daily page views.

Pankaj Agarwal: URL to his blog is He earns $58,000 from Google adsense per month. There are buying and selling Google ads on his blog. He receives 230,000 unique visitors daily and receives 1,890,000 daily page views.