Just go to blogger.com--------->Edit templates
now .find this
Taking the necessary steps to nail the process
You will now have to make use of the script which is provided below and paste it before/above </body> tag.
var custom_pinit_button = "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEigIIgcOa39T7f7gsqt-RM9-BxYohJfcDYjdvb1mjUEOFJOl1tClrEQ16cgLCx-Uh-4ZDCFeYl9_f0x1izgK__zvBJQunSGWqxeNc0DxosCQFE0uYAqlNsidgwutvRlM6PtBhbxOxxDMw/s1600/pinit-button.png";
var pinit_button_position = "center";
var pinit_button_before = "";
var pinit_button_after = "";
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script id='pinit-img-button' src='http://makingdifferent.github.io/blogger-widgets/pinterest-button1.js' type='text/javascript'>
// Visit makingdifferent.com for more widgets and tricks.
But, in case you want to place it anywhere else, then replace center with the position you want the button to be in.
var pinit_button_position = "center"