Smndrhy of knowledge on the Internet where any question thousands of times before you get in a few seconds. The whole world is within reach of your fingers information. All information which is not less than a blessing, have raised several issues. For example, doctors around the world complain that their patients have become more careful Websites like WebMD and self-diagnose their diseases and treatment of non-essential drugs are more sick.
Easy availability of so much information and knowledge is dangerous for you. When such people have to rely on themselves so that they forget how much they know and how much trust on the Internet hyn.amrykn Psychological Association has published the results of some experiments, the researchers reported that they use the Internet for information they consider themselves clever and intelligent than those who do not use the Internet. One thing that has surprised even the experts your questions on people who may not even come on my times but I still believe that no more than intelligent. It is also believed that such persons of their brain is more active than those who do not use the Internet.
For these experiments, experts have selected a few hundred people online. With each of them will have different experiences. These individuals were divided into two groups. In the experience of the group members was asked zipper (zipper) How does it work? Internet use among group members used the Internet to find an answer to this question was asked. While other members of the group how to work the zipper was read. Zip on the way to work the method was copied from the web pages.
After that experience, all members were asked whether they were not related to the other questions zip, for example, why cloudy nights are warmer? Etc. know the answer? I just had to tell them, but they do not know the answer. Search the Internet to find answers to almost every question members say that yes, they know the answer.
Another experience srcng Internet addicts claimed that their brains are more active. In other words, his mind is filled with more information than others. Subsequent experiments proved them all wrong claims.
Researchers who perform research has suggested that people read a book or join a specialist to look after their own research on the Internet. If you do not know the answer to a question no one understands that better than you. But because of the Internet that you know and you think you know the difference between what is being stopped. Bridging the gap between smartphones in the hands of the Internet search process was extremely smooth.